I, Valiance I, Valiance - Mind Speaks Aloud

Wrote this song, Scratched it wrote another one
None of em measured up to what I want
Fuck this shit, I'm over it

Hit the bong, Ideas slowly come along
Then I just veg for for too long
Fuck this shit, I'm over it

Wrote this song, Scratched it wrote another one
Found what I was looking for

Yall ready for this

An idea that came to me, Set me free from the bounds of the
That I cannot see, It lives in my mind restricting these

Creative impluses, Minds fucked but it speaks aloud
I couldn't give a fuck if you slowly drowned or when you look me those eyes of doubt
Creative impluses, Minds fucked but it speaks aloud
I couldn't give a fuck if you slowly drowned or when you look me those eyes of doubt
The creative process, Numbed down by doubt of your fucking self
Rape that shit on the fucking ground and become something that could be profound

These fiends will never see what we could be

These fiends, Will never see, What we could fucking be
These fiends will never see what we could fucking be
They dream of a world that gleams selfish love and get rich schemes

I feel hate, inside me, Evolving

Free yourself of doubt, Free yourself of boundries
Live free in the moment, Live Life profoundly

Two faces, Behind this fask, But you'll never fucking see it man
I am sinking in a pile of quick sand, Travelling the world in the back of a shit van
Scraping along as I write some song
Slowly I withering away and then I'm gone

Live free, Just be, Ugly, With me
Show the world you can breathe and seethe
Let it all go in a moment of peace

Have I gone too far, Am I who I always was
Or did my mind let me travel too far
Am I still lost in this labrynth of thoughts?