I, Valiance I, Valiance - Ethereal

I, The Human Amidst This Earth
Gazing at the stars, Depicting Infection

This is Hell; An empty shell where the Righteous Fell, What have we done

I, Deceiver

This mask conceals, So I may see the end
For Deaths Presence Constantly Lingers

I am in doubt, That I can live through this
Burden burning me at the core of my soul
These are my cries for help, Left unanswered
So leave me be as I fade away

From reality I step in the void
Leave behind All that I know
Left Alone, Abstract concepts pierce my mind
For I no longer want to be alive

Only in time

Will we figure out, Death consumes us all
We are an embodiment of disease
I can't help but wonder where we go from here
So I hold my breath and watch the shadows distort

Revealed in time, Life slowly dies

Unto the Earth
My Life Remains
Burn The Earth, Burn The Earth

I Consume my last breath

Before I release to rejoin this world
I yell these last words to whom is alpha
"Please, I pray upon you leave us be"
For we were built this way

I felt reality, Lose it's grasp